Driving Puppy Awareness Through Organic Social Media Strategy.

Echt K9, a small family farm specializing in breeding Bernedoodles, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Poodles, sought to increase awareness for their new and older puppies through an organic social media strategy. With a commitment to quality breeding and a passion for their furry companions, Echt K9 aimed to leverage social media platforms to showcase their adorable puppies and connect with potential customers who share their love for dogs.

Increase in Organic Engagement
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Increase in Instagram Subscribers
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Increase in Leads
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The Overview

Partnering with Saya Digital, Echt K9 developed an organic social media strategy focused on creating engaging content, building a loyal community of dog lovers, and increasing awareness for their available puppies. Through authentic storytelling, captivating visuals, and strategic content distribution, Echt K9 aimed to establish a strong brand presence on social media and drive traffic to their website for puppy inquiries and adoptions.

The Strategy

Content Creation: Echt K9 focused on creating high-quality, visually appealing content that showcased their puppies in various settings, highlighting their playful personalities, unique markings, and loving temperament. This content included photos, videos, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of life on the farm, providing followers with an authentic look into the breeding process and the care provided to each puppy.

Community Engagement: Echt K9 actively engaged with their social media followers by responding to comments, answering inquiries, and fostering conversations around topics related to dog ownership, breeding, and training. By building genuine relationships with their audience, Echt K9 established trust and credibility within the dog-loving community, positioning themselves as a reliable source for information and support.

Strategic Posting Schedule: Echt K9 implemented a consistent posting schedule across their social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to maintain visibility and keep their audience engaged. By analyzing audience behavior and engagement metrics, Echt K9 optimized their posting times and frequency to reach their target demographic effectively.

Storytelling and Education: In addition to showcasing their adorable puppies, Echt K9 used their social media platforms to educate their audience about responsible dog breeding practices, puppy care tips, and the importance of choosing a reputable breeder. By sharing valuable insights and expertise, Echt K9 positioned themselves as authorities in the field and gained the trust of potential customers.

Driving Puppy Awareness

Through their organic social media strategy, Echt K9 achieved the following:

Increased Brand Awareness: By consistently sharing engaging content and actively engaging with their audience, Echt K9 successfully increased brand awareness and visibility across social media platforms, reaching a wider audience of dog enthusiasts and potential customers.

Improved Puppy Adoption Rates: Echt K9’s strategic approach to showcasing their available puppies and providing valuable information to prospective buyers led to an increase in puppy inquiries and adoptions. Their authentic storytelling and transparent communication resonated with followers, leading to higher conversion rates and successful adoptions.

Established Community Presence: By fostering meaningful connections and conversations within the dog-loving community, Echt K9 established a strong presence on social media and built a loyal following of engaged followers. Their commitment to transparency, education, and responsible breeding practices earned them the trust and support of their audience, further strengthening their brand reputation.


Overall, Echt K9’s organic social media strategy proved to be highly effective in increasing awareness for their new and older puppies, driving engagement, and fostering meaningful connections with their audience. By leveraging social media platforms as a powerful tool for storytelling and community building, Echt K9 successfully achieved their goal of connecting with dog lovers and finding loving homes for their adorable puppies.

Increase in Website Visitors
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Increase in CVR
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Increase in Brand Awareness
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Powerful Content Moves
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