Driving Traffic, Brand Awareness, and Book Purchases Across Multiple Platforms.

Harper Collins, a renowned publishing company, launched “Leadership Essentials,” a comprehensive course designed to empower individuals with essential leadership skills. To promote the course and drive enrollments, Harper Collins collaborated with digital marketing experts to run targeted advertising campaigns across Meta, LinkedIn, and TikTok platforms.

Increase in Website Traffic
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Increase in Brand Awareness
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Increase in Click-Through Rate (CTR)
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The Overview

Partnering with Saya Digital, Harper Collins crafted a multifaceted strategy to utilize Google Ads, Bing Ads, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads, and Snapchat Ads. The goal was to engage audiences across different demographics and interests, driving traffic to Harper Collins' website, increasing brand visibility, and ultimately driving book sales.

The Strategy

Audience Segmentation: Harper Collins conducted extensive audience research to identify key demographics and interests across different platforms. Segmentation allowed for tailored messaging and ad creatives to resonate with specific audience segments, whether they were avid readers, fans of specific genres, or individuals interested in literary events.

Platform-Specific Ad Creatives: Customized ad creatives were developed for each platform to maximize engagement and relevance. From visually appealing carousel ads on Instagram to informative video ads on TikTok showcasing book highlights, Harper Collins ensured that their messaging was optimized for each platform’s format and audience preferences.

Strategic Ad Placement: Ads were strategically placed across Google, Bing, Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat to reach users at different stages of the buyer’s journey. This included targeting users actively searching for books, those engaging with book-related content on social media, and professionals interested in literary events and author discussions.

Continuous Optimization: Constant monitoring of ad performance allowed for ongoing optimization to maximize ROI. Harper Collins analyzed key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition to refine targeting, messaging, and ad creative, ensuring that the campaign remained effective throughout its duration.

Driving Success for Harper Collins

Increased Website Traffic: The multi-platform campaign successfully drove a significant increase in traffic to Harper Collins’ website. Strategic placement of ads across various platforms ensured that the publisher reached a diverse audience, driving users to explore their extensive catalogue of books and related content.

Boosted Brand Awareness: Harper Collins’ presence across Google, Bing, Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat significantly increased brand visibility. Consistent messaging and engaging ad creatives allowed Harper Collins to capture the attention of both existing readers and new audiences, solidifying their position as a leading publisher in the industry.

Book Purchases: The campaign drove tangible results in book purchases, with a noticeable increase in conversions and sales. By targeting users interested in specific genres, authors, and literary events, Harper Collins effectively drove qualified traffic to their website, resulting in a boost in book sales and revenue.


In conclusion, Harper Collins’ collaboration with Saya Digital on a multi-platform digital marketing campaign proved highly successful in driving traffic, increasing brand awareness, and boosting book purchases. By leveraging the strengths of Google Ads, Bing Ads, Meta Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads, and Snapchat Ads, Harper Collins effectively engaged with audiences across various demographics and interests, achieving their marketing objectives and driving growth in the competitive publishing landscape. Moving forward, Harper Collins remains committed to leveraging innovative digital strategies to continue connecting readers with captivating stories and enriching content.

Increase in Social Media Engagement
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Increase in Book Purchases
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Increase in Conversion Rate (CVR)
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