Spreading Brand Awareness Across the US with TikTok and Meta

Made With Care, a premium food and beverage distributor based in New Zealand, sought to expand its brand presence and reach a wider audience in the US market. With a focus on delivering high-quality, artisanal products, Made With Care partnered with Saya Digital to develop a strategic marketing campaign aimed at increasing brand awareness and driving engagement among US consumers. Leveraging the popularity and reach of platforms like TikTok and Meta (including Facebook and Instagram), as well as implementing whitelisting ads, Made With Care aimed to establish a strong foothold in the competitive US market.

Increase in Brand Awareness
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Increase in Engagement Rate
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Increase in Click-Through Rate (CTR)
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The Overview

Teaming up with Saya Digital, Made With Care devised a multi-faceted marketing strategy that combined the power of TikTok, Meta, and whitelisting ads to effectively spread brand awareness across the US. By harnessing the creative potential of TikTok, the expansive reach of Meta's advertising platform, and the targeted approach of whitelisting ads, Made With Care aimed to capture the attention of US consumers and drive engagement with its premium food and beverage offerings.

The Strategy

TikTok Campaigns: Made With Care capitalized on the popularity of TikTok to showcase its products in engaging and visually appealing ways. Through a series of creative video content, including recipe demonstrations, product reviews, and behind-the-scenes footage, Made With Care aimed to capture the interest of TikTok users and generate buzz around its brand.

Meta Advertising: Leveraging Meta’s advertising platform, Made With Care launched targeted ad campaigns across Facebook and Instagram to reach a broader audience of US consumers. By utilizing demographic and interest-based targeting options, Made With Care ensured that its ads were served to users most likely to be interested in its premium food and beverage products.

Whitelisting Ads: Made With Care collaborated with influencers and content creators to develop authentic and compelling sponsored content that showcased its products in a favorable light. By whitelisting these ads, Made With Care amplified their reach and engagement, leveraging the credibility and influence of trusted voices within the food and beverage community to endorse its brand.

Driving Success for Made With Care

Increased Brand Awareness: The combination of TikTok, Meta advertising, and whitelisting ads significantly increased Made With Care’s brand awareness across the US market. By delivering captivating content and targeted advertising to a wide audience of consumers, Made With Care successfully introduced its premium products to potential customers and established itself as a reputable brand in the industry.

Engagement and Interaction: Creative and engaging content on TikTok, coupled with targeted ads on Meta platforms, drove high levels of engagement and interaction with Made With Care’s brand content. Through likes, comments, shares, and clicks, consumers actively engaged with Made With Care’s products, expressing interest and curiosity about its offerings.

Positive Perception and Association: The use of whitelisting ads featuring trusted influencers and content creators helped foster positive perceptions and associations with Made With Care’s brand. By aligning itself with respected voices in the food and beverage community, Made With Care earned credibility and trust among consumers, leading to increased brand affinity and loyalty.

Market Expansion: The strategic marketing campaign enabled Made With Care to successfully penetrate the US market and expand its customer base. By leveraging the combined reach and influence of TikTok, Meta, and whitelisting ads, Made With Care effectively reached US consumers at scale, driving brand awareness and paving the way for future growth and expansion opportunities.


In conclusion, Made With Care’s integrated marketing approach leveraging TikTok, Meta, and whitelisting ads proved instrumental in spreading brand awareness and engaging US consumers. By harnessing the creative potential of TikTok, the targeted reach of Meta advertising, and the influence of whitelisting ads, Made With Care successfully introduced its premium food and beverage products to a wider audience, laying the foundation for sustained growth and success in the competitive US market. Moving forward, Made With Care remains committed to leveraging innovative marketing strategies to continue expanding its brand presence and driving engagement with consumers across diverse channels.

Increase in Positive Brand Perception
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Increase in Social Media Interactions
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Increase in Market Reach
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Powerful Content Moves
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